The KR-Super2 is a Corvair powered, all composite, two seat experimental aircraft modeled after the Rand Robinson KR2S.  The KR was arguably the first experimental aircraft to utilize composite construction, and though the design is now quite dated, this little airplane enjoys a loyal following.  Due to the experimental aircraft community’s dedication, and specifically the KR builder’s network, the KR has continued to evolve.  The KR-Super2 is this builder’s attempt to capture the latest thoughts, ideas, experience, and technology to produce a single aircraft.  One that I like to think Ken Rand would have designed if he were still around today. Lastly, I would like to thank all of  the builder’s and pilots who have designed, built and flight tested the ideas I am using here.  You will see many of their names spread throughout this web site, and you will be able to trace the progeny of the KR-Super2 through their efforts.

The Manual

One of the goals of this endeavor is to document an aircraft that can be built relatively inexpensively in a relative short time. One of the biggest time wasters in building an experimental aircraft is the eneffecient use of time.  Inadequate planning may not all be the builder’s fault.  The Rand-Robinson KR plans are infamous for their “3 month sentences”--statements in the plans that in fact takes months of building to complete.  If the plans are thread-bare, the builder spends precious weeks researching what actually needs to be accomplished, and then weeks more building the courage to move forward.  On the other hand there are builders who spend a great deal of time progressing in fits and starts due to their own poor planning.  He may not have the proper tools, or all of the material he needs, he may not build in the optimal order, having to wait for a part to cure without another tasked queued.  It is for this reason that I am going to prepare detailed plans for the aircraft as I build it.  I am presenting these plans here—and no they are not for sale—I do not to intent to sell anything or profit from this activity in any way.  Speaking of plans,  I feel everyone interested in experimental aviation should have a set of Rand-Robinson KR plans.  If not to actually build one, then to own a piece of history.

Another great time consumer is deviating from the plans.  A builder may deviate from the plans for many reasons—he may need more leg room or head room than the original, he may not feel that a design component meets his standards of safety or fit and finish.   After all, that is one of the wonderful aspects of building an experimental aircraft, each one is custom and contains the personalities of its creator.  It usually turns out that when a deviation is made to the design, a ripple effect occurs and many other areas are effected and must also be changed.  The general rule of thumb to arrive at the amount of time a deviation from plans will take is to think of all possible time consumers, add them up and multiply by ten.  We are not triing to discourage you from deviating from the design presented here.  As a matter of fact I can assure you that if you spend a week developing a new way to do something, it will be a very enjoyable week.  And isn’t that what it’s all about after all?


Good Enough for a KR

Another task that can consume tremendous amounts of time is the finishing of the aircraft: the sanding, filling, priming, painting.  I have heard tales of builders spending between one and two thousand hours just on the final finish.  Right off the bat I can tell you that a KR built in 750 hours will not have a 1000 hour paint job.  I will track the amount of time it takes to build this aircraft and I will not be building a Grand Master.  My goal is not to win Best of Show aircraft, but a $10,000 KR that is a blast to fly.  When it comes to aesthetics, my position is, “its good enough for a KR”.  However, when it comes to airworthiness, quality of construction or robustness of design, nothing is too good.


The KR2-VX is slightly larger than the original KR2S, it uses a larger engine, has a roomier cabin, it is longer and has more wing area.  Its useable payload is larger, its top end speed is comparable but is not as fuel-efficient.



Wing Span
Total Wing Area
Empty Weight
Gross Weight
Useful load
Fuel Cap 
Stall speed
Maximum speed
Cruise speed
Power loading
Wing loading
Fuel consumption
Cabin Width
82 sq. ft.  
980 lbs.   
16 gal      
52 mph    
155 mph  
140 mph  
500 miles
VW 2180
70 HP
12 lbs/sq ft
4.5 gph    
2 across   
96 sq ft
28 gal
45 mph
170 mph
140 mph
600 miles
Corvair 2700
100 HP
12 lbs/hp
12.5 lbs/sq ft
6 gph
2 across