
P51 - 42" Wingspan-Fly the most successful fighter of WWII.

Me109 - 43" Wingspan Thrill to the exeptional performance of this killer of the skies.
Hawker Hurricane - 41" Wingspan - The classic British fighter that helped save Britian during WWII.
P-38 Lightning - 54" Wingspan - Fly the forked-tailed devil, a stunning twin sure to exicte.
ME262 - 54" Wingspan - Feel the exhiliration of flying the world's first operational jet fighter

me262 design

The WattsWings ME262 is our latest design project. It will have twin pusher and retracts. It should be fun.

Ask about our 'Gallery Specials.' We are looking for pictures of your planes to populate our Gallery.
Drop us a line: sales@WattsWings.com